
There're two types of Components:-

  • RekaComponent - components designed by end-users, these components are stored in State
  • ExternalComponent - non-editable components exposed by page-builder developers


A RekaComponent can define the props that it exposes, the state value it holds and its render template:

type: "RekaComponent",
name: "Button",
props: [
type: "ComponentProp",
name: "color",
init: {
type: "Literal",
value: "blue",
state: [
type: "Val",
name: "counter",
init: {
type: "Literal",
value: 0,
template: {
type: "TagTemplate",
tag: "div",
props: {},
children: [],


The template of a RekaComponent supports all functionalities that you would typically have as a developer in a UI framework (ie: React).

For example, the props of a template can support expressions:

type: "TagTemplate",
name: "div",
props: {
className: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "color"
children: []

Conditionally rendering can be achieved by specifying an expression to its if property:

type: "TagTemplate",
name: "div",
props: {},
children: []
if: {
type: "BinaryExpression",
left: "counter",
operator: "==",
right: 0
each: null,

A template could be rendered multiple times by specifying an iterable variable in the each property:

type: "TagTemplate",
name: "div",
props: {
className: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "color",
children: [],
each: {
iterator: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "someArrayValue",
alias: "color",
index: "i"

Apart from specifying HTML tags in the template property, other Components can also be referenced like so:

type: "TagTemplate",
name: "div",
children: [
type: "ComponentTemplate",
component: { type: "Identifier", name: "Button" }, // Where Button is another RekaComponent
props: {},
children: []


An ExternalComponent is simply a component that exists outside of the State. These components are typically useful when you need to expose some predefined components that your end users could reuse.

External Components are discussed further here

Made with by @prevwong
Reka is released under the MIT license